Catechist Training Resources

To provide the best possible experience for the child it is important to form the catechist in the spiritual needs and capacity of children with disabilities. Not all volunteer catechists have an education background, so additional instruction on classroom management and children with disabilities will be important for a successful faith formation program.

Helpful Articles to Share with Catechists

For additional learning catechists may find the following books, online courses, and videos helpful.

Books for Catechists

The Adaptive Teacher

The Adaptive Teacher: Faith-Based Strategies to Reach and Teach Learners with Disabilities will teach you how to maximize the effectiveness of your lessons to benefit all learners.

Handbook for Adaptive Catechesis

This comprehensive handbook covers a variety of the most-encountered special needs, along with approaches for meeting those needs.

How to Welcome, Include, and Catechize

In How to Welcome, Include, and Catechize Children with Autism and Other Special Needs Deacon Larry provides the insights needed to build an effective faith formation program.

Taking the Lift to Heaven

The handy pocket guide will give you the basic information you need to do adaptive ministry in your Catholic parish.

Videos & Online Courses for Catechists


As an affiliate member the Diocese of Des Moines and its parishes are eligible to receive a discount on courses from the National Catholic Partnership on Disabilities (NCPD). If you are interested in a course offered by NCPD, please contact Patty Origer at to learn how to get this discounted rate.

Faith Formation for All

This course is designed to help catechists, parents, and siblings of persons with disabilities be more effective in their efforts of formation.

Tips & Tools on Disability for Catechists

Designed for catechists, this training provides practical insights, adaptable teaching techniques, and essential tools to create a supportive and inclusive environment for learners with disabilities.

Talking About to Parents About Behaviors

Learn the three questions you should ask yourself BEFORE talking to parents about their children's behaviors at church.

Setting Kids Up for Success in the Classroom

Learn three important tips to help set ALL kids up for success in the church classroom and see the difference it makes.