Adult Evangelization

Small faith sharing groups are essential for adult faith formation.The diocese offers opportunities for growth in Christ, and shares resources and community-wide opportunities to encounter Christ. Contact John Gaffney for more information and ideas on parish programming or beginning a small faith sharing group among your friends, family or neighbors.
Faithful Citizenship
Each election cycle has unique characteristics and the 2020 election is no exception. In this 2020 Election guide from the Iowa bishops on Faithful Citizenship the Iowa bishops encourage us to understand our faith, pray and vote.
In this video, from the Iowa Catholic Conference and the St. Joseph Educational Center, we are encouraged to put aside our political party and put on our identity as a Catholic and a member of the body of Christ. Participation in political life is a moral obilgation; our two responsiblilites are to love God and our neighbor. We can show love to our neighbor through participation in public life by voting.
Here is a link to the U.S. bishops' Faithful Citizenship document.
Tired of the divisions related to the upcoming election? Check out the U.S. bishop's initiative to Civilize It: Dignity Beyond the Debate. The bishops address loving our neighbor through civility, clarity and compassion.
Resources for Growing Deeper in Faith & Prayer
United States Conference for Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Lectionary Readings for Today -- Each day this resource from the United States Bishops offers the daily readings and an audio daily reading.
Franciscan Media -- This organization offers many resources including the Saint of the Day, minute meditations and other opportunities to grow deeper in your faith. This organization is a ministry of the Franciscan Friars of St. John the Baptist Province. Their mission is “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi
Creighton University Daily Reflections -- Creighton University offers an on-line reflection of the daily readings used at Mass. These reflections are composed by faculty, staff and students (clergy and lay) within the University. Why not create a new habit by breaking open the daily readings at Mass? You will also find other resources and links to assist you in your on-going faith formation.
Saint Louis University Resources on Sunday Liturgy -- Saint Louis University offers dynamic resources focused on preparing for Sunday and Holy Day liturgies. Resources include "Praying toward Sunday," ""Spirituality of the Readings," "Getting to know the Readings," Music of Sunday's Mass," and "General Intercessions."
The Five Loaves -- These are video reflection resources for parishes, faith sharing groups and individuals based upon the Sunday Gospel reading. Their mission is to enable people of faith to open themselves to the gift of grace and to make meaning of their experience of God in everyday life.
Busted Halo -- Busted Halo strives to reveal this spiritual dimension of our lives through feature stories, reviews, interviews, faith guides, commentaries, audio clips, discussions and connections to retreat, worship and service opportunities that can’t be found anywhere else. They are committed to creating a forum that is: open, informed, unexpected, unpredictable, balanced, and thought-provoking.
Outside da Box -- This organization creates Catholic evangelization films for teens and young adults. Their mission is to bring Jesus Christ to the young church through digital media. Many adults also find this video series to be helpful for their on-going faith formation.
Rediscovering the Faith -- The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops provides print and video resources to help people rediscover the faith and answer questions and the Church and her teachings.
The St. Joseph Educational Center -- The staff assists 14 Des Moines area parishes with adult faith formation programming and resources. They also have a wide variety of ideas, blogs and events for those wanting to grow deeper in their faith.
V-Cat Video Catechism for Teens -- This resource is a is a video catechism about Catholic beliefs, correlated with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. At the heart of each video is a point (or points) articulated by the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In addition to the videos is a discussion guide for youth leaders, teachers, and a family discussion guide.
Daily Liturgy of the Hours -- The Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office or the Work of God (Opus Dei), is the daily prayer of the Church, marking the hours of each day and sanctifying the day with prayer. The Hours are a meditative dialogue on the mystery of Christ, using scripture and prayer.
Other Resources: