Disability Ministry

“No abled vs disabled. There is just us.”

- Dr. Miguel Romero "Recognizing the Body of Christ: A Theological Engagement on Disability" talk on “Called to Beatitude: Our Wounds, God’s Grace, and the Sacraments of the Church”.

umbrellas with types of disabilities listed on panels and handle

Our Mission

The Catholic Diocese of Des Moines works for the inclusion of persons with disabilities along with those who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. We want everyone to be full, conscious and active participants in their faith life and to live out their call to holiness. We do so by working with parish pastors and staff, families and community partners for ALL to live out their baptism in the Christian community and society.

Our Principles

three pictures including group of people observing girl being fitted in accessible bike; boy dresses as shepherd, group of youth and volunteers with care bags to distribute

Essential Partners and Relationships

  • Persons and their Families with Disabilities
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing community
  • The Bishop
  • Pastors and Clergy
  • Catechetical Leaders (religious education, youth ministry, adult faith formation, RCIA team, and sacramental preparation team leaders)
  • School and Parish Leaders
  • Volunteers
  • Organizations who serve Persons with Disabilities

Use this link for a printer-friendly version brochure on disability ministry.


For additional information

For additional information contact Patty Origer, Persons with Disability Ministry Coordinator,  phone 515-237-5073.