Intentionally Living the Lenten Season

Jesus, about to transition from the hidden mission of home to the public mission of proclaiming the Good News of God’s love, was drawn to pray and fast for 40 days in the desert. The desert. Why would Jesus go there?  Why does He invite us to join Him there every Lent?  And, how do we do this?

En Español

Getting Ready for Lent

The resources below offer a perspective on the “desert” practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving; as well as ideas for how  to live them individually or as a family.  We trust that the Lord, by the power of His Resurrection, will bless our desert sojourn with newness of life and renewed energy for our own mission. 

The Lent Essentials

Start preparing for Lent by downloading one or more of these resources, including an overview of Lent, weekly faith conversations, and helpful planners for your Lenten prayer, fasting, & almsgiving.

Living Lent
A short “how to” guide that gives perspective and context to the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving and offers creative ideas for how to live Lent individual and as a family.

Weekly Lent Faith Conversations
One page for each week of Lent, providing a brief adult reflection and questions to spark family conversations of faith, as well as weekly suggestions for prayer, fasting, & almsgiving as a family.

Download here: Week 1  Week 2  Week 3  Week 4  Week 5  Week 6

2025 Daily Lent Calendar
Deepen your faith this Lent and follow along with this daily reflection calendar from the USCCB. Available in English and Spanish.
My Lenten Plan
Three printable aids to help plan Lenten practices for:  adults/teens, children (ages 7-12), and families.  Each provides a visual write-it-in-yourself plan along with a guide to help you through the process prayerfully.
Family Almsgiving Project Planner
This single page provides a visual guide for planning out your family’s efforts to share with those in need this Lent.
Seven Meatless Soups for Lent
To aid your family’s abstaining from meat on Fridays during Lent, try these quick & easy soups.
Feast Days During Lent
There are a many special days in the Lenten calendar that merit celebration: St. Patrick’s Day, the Solemnity of St. Joseph, and the Solemnity of the Annunciation. This is a short guide with ideas on how to get celebrating!
Lenten Activities for Kids

Download one or all of these activities to help your children grow in their faith this Lenten season! While Lent may feel primarily for adults, there are many beautiful ways for children to participate (even the little ones). Read more about Lent with Little Ones and find more ideas on our Pinterest board.

"Hiding the Alleluia" Activity for Kids
This is a simple activity for pre-school and grade-school kids, perfect for the week leading up to Ash Wednesday.  Print these pages and grab the markers and crayons.  Instructions included.
"Learning the Hail Mary" Activity for Kids
Print these double-sided pages with drawings & clues to help small children learn the “Hail Mary.” Instructions and ideas for multiple ways to use are included.
Corporal Works of Mercy Chart
This colorful page is a pictorial checklist of the Corporal Works of Mercy.  It leaves space for families to write in how they plan to live mercy during Lent.  Perfect for introducing young children to the Church teachings on the 7 Corporal Works of Mercy.
Neighborhood Food Drive
This is an easy project that is super kid-friendly.  It will get your whole family living the Works of Mercy, and inspire your neighbors to do the same!
Lenten Pray Cards for Children
This page includes two prayer cards with a Lenten prayer for small children.  Print.  Color.  Cut, and fold!
Stations of the Cross Coloring Sheets
Color one or all of the 14 stations of the Cross with Jesus this Lent.
Sensory Stations of the Cross
Pray the Stations of the Cross using your senses!
Holy Week

Living Holy Week
No longer Lent, not quite Easter, how do we participate in Holy Week and the Triduum?

This guide has a page per day of the Triduum and Easter Sunday and describes the focus of each day while giving family-friendly ideas for how to make it come alive.

Sign up to receive weekly faith conversation starters and a video reflection from people across the Diocese of Des Moines.

Get Involved this Lent


Find events across the Diocese for this Lent, including parish fish fry dinners, communal reconciliation services, and faith formation.

Fish Fry Dinners

Attending a fish fry at your local parish (or a new parish!) can be a great way to support the parish, engage in community, and practice your Friday obligation to avoid meat.

Reconciliation Services

Lent, the season when we reflect on our spiritual dryness and need for redemption, is a wonderful opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Faith Formation

Go deeper into your faith this Lenten season by getting involved in a small group, reading a devotional with friends & family, attending a parish speaker event, and more!