Living the Easter Season
The Resurrection of Jesus is such overwhelmingly Good News that a single day is not enough to celebrate it. The Lord’s Resurrection is meant to be celebrated intensely for the whole week following Easter (known as the Octave), the whole liturgical Season of Easter (lasting until Pentecost, this year May 19), and every Sunday thereafter (each as a mini-Easter).
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Celebrating the Easter Season
Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “We are an Easter people.” Good Friday was not the end. The “Season” in which we live waiting for Jesus’ second coming is Easter or perhaps, more fittingly, Pentecost. Ponder, celebrate and testify to that truth! The resources below offers a menu of ideas for how to do that.
He is risen. Alleluia, alleluia!
The Easter Essentials |
Keep the Easter season alive by downloading one or more of these resources, including an overview of Easter and weekly faith conversations.
Living Easter Sunday
A page of ideas for celebrating Easter Sunday in a meaningful way with your family.
Living the Easter Season
A 4-page guide with family-friendly ideas for how to celebrate the Easter season with intentionality, highlighting the various feast days from the Easter Octave to Pentecost.
Easter Season Faith Conversations
4 pages of Sunday Gospel reflection questions so those family faith-conversations started in Lent can continue through the Easter Season.
Easter Feast Days
The entire season of Easter is for feasting, but during this time there are also several saints & celebrations in the Church to celebrate too!
Easter Activities for Kids |
Download any of these activities to help your children continue celebrating the Easter season beyond Easter Sunday!
Liturgy of Light Prayer Experience
Based on a portion of the Easter Vigil liturgy, this beautiful prayer experience can be celebrated at home any time during the Easter Season to help children better understand and reflect upon the Light of Christ!
Coloring Pages for Kids
15 pages of simple illustrations of the various Easter accounts from the Gospels. If you colored Stations of the Cross for Lent (and even if you didn’t!), follow it up with the rest of the story: Jesus is alive!
Celebrating Pentecost |
Pentecost commemorates the Descent of the Holy Spirit over the Apostles and concludes our Easter season. The name comes from the Greek word "pentekoste", which means fiftieth, because this event occurred 50 days after Jesus' resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Pentecost Novena
Prepare to celebrate Pentecost, or maybe a family member’s Confirmation, by praying this 9-day prayer together. Includes a Holy Spirit reflection, discussion questions, and prayer for each day. This year the novena for Pentecost begins on May 11th.
Also available as a 5-page booklet. Recommended printer setting: print on both sides, page sizing "fit" instead of "actual size"
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Read this ancient prayer, focusing on the names of the Holy Spirit and the things that we are requesting.