What is Respect Life Month?

Since 1973, when the Supreme Coart legalized abortion with the historic Roe. vs. Wade ruling, the Catholic Church in the United States has observed “Respect Life Month.” Every October the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is observed as Respect Life Sunday.

As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable, from the beginning to the end of their lives, and at every point in between. During the month of October, the Church asks us to reflect more deeply on the dignity of every human life.

Radical Solidarity

This year's theme for Respect Life month is "radical solidarity", coming from St. John Paul II who first defined “radical solidarity” in this way:

“In firmly rejecting ‘pro-choice’ it is necessary to become courageously ‘pro woman,’ promoting a choice that is truly in favor of women…The only honest stance, in these cases, is that of radical solidarity with the woman. It is not right to leave her alone.”

Respecting Human Life & Dignity

When outlining legislative principles, the Iowa Catholic Conference defined the topic of human life & dignity as such:

"All men and women have been created in the image and likeness of God. Human life should be protected from conception until natural death as a basic requirement of a just and moral society. Every person has basic human rights and is entitled to basic human necessities, such as food, housing, clean water and air, education, health care, and productive work for fair wages. Threats to human life from abortion, the death penalty or assisted suicide are never acceptable."

With this definition in mind we will be looking at Respect Life month as an opportunity to promote a holistic approach to being pro-life. While abortion is a top priority in this battle, it is not the only place where we are called to respect human life & dignity.

Respect Life Month Resources 

USCCB Chairman Statement

You can download and read the full statement on Respect Life Month from Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities in English or Espanol.

Respect Life Bingo

You can download your Bingo card in English or en Espanol. Below are the resources and links referenced in the Bingo card.

Respect Life Novena

Download the guide from the USCCB for the Respect Life Novena to be prayed during Oct 13-21

Images for Social Media (English)

If you would like to promote Respect Life month on your social media accounts, here are some images you may use. We will also be sharing images & resources all month long on Facebook and Instagram

Cover Photos


Imágenes para redes sociales (Espanol)

Foto de portada


Respect Life Month information courtesy of the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities and respectlife.org