Living the Christmas Season

In American culture, we tend to put the Christmas cart before the horse! Lit trees go up and carols start playing in stores right after Halloween. By December 26, we’re fatigued by it all and start packing up all that’s Christmas-y.

NOT. . . SO. . . FAST!

Our Catholic faith invites us to a different approach. Advent offers a time for preparing our minds, hearts, and homes but come Christmas Eve, we pivot to celebrating. We’re no longer focused so much on the future, as relishing the promise that is fulfilled now. Emmanuel - God with us - has arrived! This truth is so game-changing that a single day is not adequate to take it in and celebrate it. Our Christmas joy spills over into a whole liturgical season all its own.

The Christmas Essentials

Living the Christmas Season

A 4-page guide with family-friendly ideas for how to celebrate the Christmas season with intentionality.

Making Jesus Part of Your Christmas

A single page of practical ideas to keep Jesus central in your celebrations on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Family Christmas Movie Nights

Here is a list of some favorite Christmas movies along with questions to get your family discussing the film.

Christmas Coloring Sheets

Get your children engaged with the Christmas narratives using these fun coloring sheets!