2025 Jubilee of Hope
“Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5). In the spirit of hope, the Apostle Paul addressed these words of encouragement to the Christian community of Rome. Hope is also the central message of the coming Jubilee that, in accordance with an ancient tradition, the Pope proclaims every twenty-five years...For everyone, may the Jubilee be a moment of genuine, personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, the “door” (cf. Jn 10:7.9) of our salvation, whom the Church is charged to proclaim always, everywhere and to all as “our hope” (1 Tim 1:1). - Pope Francis, Spes non confundit
What is a Jubilee?
Also known as a "Holy Year," a Jubilee is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon. It is a time of spiritual renewal, pilgrimage, and reconciliation that occurs every 25 years. The concept is rooted in the biblical tradition found in the Old Testament, where a jubilee year occurred every 50 years, and was marked by the forgiveness of debts, liberation of slaves, and the return of land to its original owners.
What's happening for the Jubilee in the Diocese of Des Moines?
Bishop William Joensen has identified the following churches as places of pilgrimage for the Jubilee year:
Each of the churches of pilgrimage will have “passport” postcards available. Take a passport postcard and stamp it with a special Jubilee passport stamp that will be available at each of the pilgrimage sites. If you visit all five Jubilee churches, please post a picture on social media and tag @dmdiocese on social media. We will send you a book by Pope Francis to use as you continue your faith journey.