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Donate to the Annual Diocesan Appeal
Your gift to the Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA) ensures the Church's mission of serving the people of God in southwest Iowa can continue. The ADA allows us to prepare disciples for the domestic church, invite and welcome people into communion, cultivate a culture of servant leadership and draw young people into a deeper communion.
Please do not fill out a physical contribution card if you make an online pledge or gift. Your parish will be notified of your generosity through your designation in the form below.
- If you plan to make a pledge and pay in installments through December 2024, please select "Pledge to give" below. The gift payment on a pledge ends when the pledge is fulfilled.
- A recurring gift under the "Make a one-time gift" option is pulled on a monthly or annual basis and will not end until you notify the Stewardship Office.
- *The Diocese incurs a 2.598% credit card fee for each transaction. Consider a gift by direct debit to maximize your charitable gift!
Thank you for being a Sower in the Diocese of Des Moines and helping your parish reach its goal! Join us in praying for an abundant and fruitful harvest!