Shepherding the faithful: ADA support helps new priests focus on pastoral care

March 16, 2022

Father Litto Thomas

Father Litto Thomas has traveled the world to help people live holy lives. 

Originally from the farm fields of India, Father Thomas studied in Italy, served a Diocese in Spain and then came to the Diocese of Des Moines. 

He arrived the day after Christmas in 2019, facing a new culture to which he wasn’t accustomed and a lack of credit that would enable him to get a car or a cellphone. Plus, he didn’t have a winter coat.
The Diocese of Des Moines took care of all of his needs so that he could focus on offering pastoral care. He has served Corpus Christi Parish in Council Bluffs, St. Patrick Parish in Lenox, St. Patrick Parish in Corning and now ministers at Sacred Heart Parish in West Des Moines.

Shortly after arriving in Iowa, Father Thomas received funds from the Diocese to get winter clothing. 

“It’s a family and the Diocese acts like a mother who takes care of her children,” he said.

Though he’s far from his own family, he’s found a home here.

“Once we believe in the Catholic faith, it’s a family,” said Father Thomas. “So wherever you go, you feel belonged to a family. Whether you work in Des Moines, whether you work in Spain, whether you work in Italy or in India, you belong to the great family called the Catholic Church.”

And because of his faith family, he doesn’t feel alone.

“Whenever you come to know that Jesus is with you, you are not alone. That fills our life with an unexplainable joy and happiness that helps us to lead a holy life.”

Father Thomas enjoys his time at Sacred Heart Parish: “I feel happy to help our parishioners here to grow in holiness and happiness.”