Shenandoah Woman Professes Final Vows
September 5, 2024
“It was not you who chose Me, but I who chose you.” -John 15:16
One month ago, Sister Faustina Lightfoot knelt in the Cathedral of the Risen Christ in Lincoln, Nebraska, and professed perpetual vows with the Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln.

Sister Faustina Lightfoot makes her perpetual vows with the Marian sisters of Lincoln, Nebraska.
It’s been a long road for the farm girl formerly known as Megan Lightfoot from St. Mary Parish in Shenandoah. Yet it’s a journey that brings her joy. St. Mary Parish and her fellow Marian sisters celebrated her perpetual vows Aug. 18 with a celebration in Shenandoah.
“The sisters were able to visit the Lightfoot farm and enjoy a great day together in Iowa,” she said.

Marian sisters celebrate at the Lightfoot farm near Shenandoah. The former Megan Lightfoot, now Sister Faustina, made perpetual vows as a Marian sister. Pictured with them on her family's farm is Father Tom Thakadipuram, pastor of Sister Faustina's home parish, St. Mary.
Sister Faustina grew up on her family’s farm near Shenandoah with her sister, Trisha, attended Farragut Community School, and was active in sports, 4-H, rodeo, Two County Dusters, St. Mary’s Youth Ministry, FFA and many academics at Farragut.
“My first encounter with God’s love in a deep way was in high school when I attended NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference) in Kansas City with St. Mary’s Parish. As I received Jesus in the Eucharist, I knew the God was real and that he loved me and was inviting me to grow in a deeper relationship with him, but I had no idea what that would look like.”
She went to Creighton University, where she studied to be a pharmacist.
“I asked God to provide good relationships to help me grow in my faith life and he clearly heard and answered my prayer. Soon I was attending daily Mass, praying the rosary, going to Eucharistic adoration and praying with other college students in a bible study.
“A friend in bible study asked if I had ever thought about religious life and I thought she was crazy! I had never met a religious sister before and thought that wasn’t in the plans for my life,” said Sister Faustina.
The friend encouraged her to meet the Marian sisters and that’s when she said, “I fell in love.”

Sister Faustina Lightfoot (pictured in the center) made her perpetual vows with the Marian sisters of Lincoln, Nebraska
“The sisters were real people, filled with joy and a spirit of peace and I felt like I was at home and was attracted to go back. Throughout my time in pharmacy school I went on several retreats with the Marian sisters and continued to grow in my prayer relationship with God by seeking spiritual direction and daily prayer.
“My focus shifted from, ‘What do I want to do with my life?’ to a prayer. ‘God, what do you want me to do with my life?’ God’s answer surprised my heart when he invited me to give him everything and to follow him, similar to Jesus’ invitation to his apostles in the Gospel: ‘If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’ “ said Sister Faustina.
Apprehensive at first, she was sitting in a class during her final year in pharmacy school when she was thinking about what the sisters were doing.
“I knew that no one else in my class of 160 students was thinking that! I loved encountering Jesus in the patients I was serving, but I also loved being with the Marian sisters and the gift of giving my life to God. As I continued to ask God what he desired with my life, in my heart his response was clear that he desired all of me and God indeed is enough,” she said.
“In Eucharistic adoration I heard clearly from Jesus that my home is in his heart and my home is with the Marian sisters. I was overwhelmed with peace, joy and excitement!”
Sister Faustina graduated pharmacy school in May 2016 and entered the Marian sisters just four months later. She professed her first vows in 2019.
“In the ups and downs of discernment, I learned that truly God can be trusted and He is enough. I am currently serving as a nurse at the Nebraska Heart Hospital where I love encountering Jesus’ suffering heart in the patients I get to serve. I desire to live my life swimming in the ocean of his merciful love and sharing his love with all I meet all the days of my life,” she said.
The Marian sisters’ charism (gift of the Holy Spirit) is: “Doing God’s will joyfully in imitation of Mary and St. Francis.” They serve in the apostolates of education, social work and healthcare. To learn more about the Marian sisters please visit
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