Norwalk parish adds to worship space
December 19, 2024
St. John the Apostle Parish in Norwalk recently made some changes.
Two matching tapestries on a sanctuary wall behind the altar add warmth. On the tapestries there is a pattern of wheat with five pods, representing the five wounds of Christ.
A new crucifix, which matches the altar, chair, and ambo, is suspended just below a round window and above the altar.
“I’m pleased with the crucifix,” said Father Dan Kirby, pastor. “We had a small one. In this big space, we need to have something that draws people’s attention.”
New lights were installed last November after the parish realized the crucifix was a bit dark. Immediately, the shadow showed two crosses, one on other side of Jesus when the lights were turned off to the sanctuary. The lights on the crucifix remain on at all times.
A few weeks after the lights were installed, it was noticed that behind the crucifix, there is an image that appears to be a chalice.

Also added was an icon of the crucifixion with St. John the Apostle. Created by an iconographer in Wisconsin, it is located near the baptismal font and has a bank of candles in front of it.
“The main structure of the church is beautiful,” he said.
In consultation with a parish committee, he wanted to create a little more difference between the other parts of the building and the church. The building includes the worship space, office space, a gathering area, and a social hall.
The changes provide a sense of the transcendence, said Father Kirby.
“It’s to lift people up to a sense of the sacred,” he said.