Let the Jubilee begin
December 19, 2024
Pope Francis has announced an ordinary Jubilee year which will begin on the Feast of the Holy Family, Sunday Dec. 29 and run for an entire year. Ordinary Jubilees happen every 25 years. These are times of grace, forgiveness of debts, and of reconciliation. The Jubilee year 2025 will center on the theme of hope, taken from the Letter of Paul to the Romans, “Hope does not disappoint.”
The Diocese of Des Moines will focus on three areas during the upcoming Holy Year.
Both the Bishop’s priest council, called the Presbyteral Council, and the Jubilee papal documents emphasize devotions. The Diocese will launch a new monthly column/blog penned by Monica Pugh, of St. John the Apostle Parish in Norwalk. Each month, she’ll share a type of prayer, where it comes from, and how to do it.
Each Jubilee year, the Church establishes certain practices the faithful can undertake which grant special graces. Among the graces established for the Jubilee of Hope 2025 are pilgrimages.
Considering the needs of the Des Moines Diocese and our diverse community, Bishop William Joensen has identified the following churches as places of pilgrimage for the Jubilee year:
- The Cathedral of St. Ambrose in Des Moines;
- The Basilica of St. John in Des Moines;
- Christ the King Church in Des Moines;
- Ss. Peter & Paul Church in Atlantic;
- Corpus Christi Church in Council Bluffs.
Some may recall from the previous two Jubilee years that the churches of pilgrimage had holy doors for the faithful to pass through. This year, Pope Francis is inviting us to take a more active journey of faith.
When visiting one of the churches of pilgrimage, everyone is invited to attend Mass, or to attend another liturgy or devotional such as: Eucharistic exposition; a celebration of the Word of God; pray the Liturgy of the Hours; pray the Stations of the Cross; pray the rosary; or, spend some time in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament before the tabernacle.
Beginning in early January, each of the churches of pilgrimage will have “passport” postcards available. Take a passport postcard and stamp it with a special Jubilee passport stamp that will be available at each of the pilgrimage sites.
If you visit all five Jubilee churches, please post a picture on social media and tag @dmdiocese or send a picture of your passport booklet to the Diocese. We will send you a book by Pope Francis to use as you continue your faith journey.
Everyone is especially invited to make a good confession, one of the greatest signs and acts of hope our faith gives us.
Bring hope to others
We are all invited to consider how we might grow in the virtue of hope during the Jubilee year.
The faithful may also obtain the Jubilee graces by participating in opportunities for faith formation, perform the Corporal Works of Mercy (to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, heal the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead), perform the Spiritual Works of Mercy (to counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the afflicted, forgive offences, bear patiently those who do us ill, and pray for the living and the dead) or visit the lonely or needy.
Father Trevor Chicoine is the diocesan vicar for Divine Worship, and serves as pastor of four parishes in the central part of the Diocese.