Biking for Babies marks 15th year of raising awareness, funds for prolife pregnancy centers
May 15, 2024
By Clare Heinrich
Life is a journey. Biking for Babies takes this sentiment literally, inspiring others to uphold the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.
Biking for Babies empowers missionaries and lay individuals to hop on their bikes for charity, donating to pregnancy resource centers and maternity houses.
Des Moines native Jimmy Becker and his college friend Mike Schaefer began Biking for Babies in March 2009, biking 600 miles to fundraise for pregnancy centers in southern Illinois. After raising over $14,000, they realized they and many others had a vocation to raise awareness for and make accessible these life-saving resources for women and families.

Celebrating their 15th anniversary this year, Biking for Babies has aided 127 pregnancy centers by raising over $1.6 million. Since 2009, there have been 216 young adults participate in this formation program and ride experience. This year, there are 92 rider and support crew missionaries involved, biking routes of 600-700 miles. Crews build a habit of “endurance and commitment” which applies to both their ride as well as their pro-life mission. Even those not participating in the rides themselves can provide support, purchasing supplies and hydration equipment.
“Everyone plays a role in renewing a culture in support of life,” said Nikki Biese, Biking for Babies’ executive director. This is a mission one cannot accomplish alone.
Biking for Babies trains young adults to become missionary disciples of Jesus Christ through a six-month virtual formation program. These missionaries become riders and support crew. In addition to missionaries, Biking for Babies hired its first full-time staff member in 2018, expanding personnel to manage both local and national rides, oversee recruitment, and maintain their marketing and media presence.
On June 29, Biking for Babies will be hosting the Central Iowa Ride for Life. This fundraiser will support local pregnancy resource centers and maternity housing in central Iowa, like InnerVisions HealthCare and Martha’s House of Hope. There are multiple options for ride lengths, ranging from 5- to 23- to 48-mile rides. Teams will gather at St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church for Mass at 7 a.m. before kicking off the programming.

On July 10, Biking for Babies’ National Ride team will be traveling through Des Moines, gathering at St. Francis of Assisi in West Des Moines for an evening on Renewing the Culture of Life. The 2024 National Ride will take place from July 7-14; this year, 92 missionaries will traverse across the country on nine routes to be visible pro-life witnesses. Throughout the ride, missionaries will pause at “touchpoints” in local communities and churches across America, including two Celebration of Life events in St. Louis, Missouri, and Arlington, Virginia, respectively.
”Transformation… starts on our knees and in our hearts. By grace and with generous hearts, we will succeed not only in defending life, but even more to renew the culture of life… one pedal stroke, one pregnancy resource center, and one individual at a time,” says Becker, Biking for Babies’ chairman.
For more information, to make donations, or register for the Central Iowa Ride for Life, visit