A leader in fundraising, Reed retiring from CTO

September 20, 2024

Mark Reed, Sr.

Imagine you have a significant sum of money that you’d like to use in a way that brings someone hope, or joy, or meaningful change to a person or charity of your choice.

Who would you go to for advice?

Mark Reed, Sr., has been matching people with resources with those in need for most of his life.

After 39 years of raising significant funds for good causes and nonprofit organizations, he’s retiring as executive director from the Catholic Tuition Organization at the end of the year.

“I’ve helped a range of people from those who make small but helpful financial gifts to showing philanthropists how they could create a lasting legacy that lives on,” said Reed. “No matter the size of the gift, I’ve been blessed to work throughout my career with people who have a desire to help others, who want to give back.”

A Dowling Catholic High School graduate, Reed holds a master’s degree from Drake University in public administration and is a certified fundraising executive. Early in his non-profit career, he assisted several nonprofits in fundraising roles including: United Way; Columbus Catholic High School in Waterloo; and Meals on Wheels.

Later, Reed served as the first executive director of Make-A-Wish Foundation of Iowa, where he helped to create “Jolly Holiday Lights” – the charity’s largest annual fundraiser. He also served as president and chief operating officer of Special Olympics of Iowa, became the founding executive director of the Catholic Foundation of Southwest Iowa, and raised funds for St. Benedict’s Abbey in Kansas.

In 2022, Reed took the helm as executive director of the CTO, which raises funds to provide tuition assistance to qualifying students attending a Catholic school within the Diocese of Des Moines.

“As a result of Mark’s hard work, 6,581 children were able to attend a Catholic school with funding from the CTO. In addition, Reed worked with more than 500 donors annually to help needy families provide the education of their choice to their children,” said Robert Szalay, chair of the CTO board. “Mark’s dedication and service will be greatly missed.”

Anyone interested in making a gift to the CTO can call 515-237-5010 or visit their website at ctoiowa.org.