Young Catholic Singles

Are you a Catholic single in your 20s or 30s and hoping to meet other local Catholic singles? Have you tried online dating but ended up frustrated that you couldn't find people who shared your values? Are you hoping to build new friendships and attend cool events with fellow young single Catholics?

Check out the Young Catholic Singles! We have monthly social events, usually during the last Thursday, Friday or Saturday of the month. We focus on meeting new people and building friendships, although there's always potential for one of those friendships to become something more.

Past events have included potlucks, Halloween parties and costume contests, trivia and bingo, board game nights, brunch followed by a walk around Raccoon River Park, picnics, bonfires, and more. We also do one or two service projects a year.

Stay connected 

We post upcoming events on Facebook, as well as via our email list. Sign up to never miss an event! To join our email list, please email