A priest reflects on the return of YOUTH 2000

January 15, 2025

The "burning bush" at a YOUTH 2000 retreat in 2005

by Fr. Ryan Andrew

When I was a senior at Dowling High School, some friends convinced me to attend a retreat called “YOUTH 2000.”

Walking into the gym at the start of the retreat, I immediately noticed a white structure in the middle of the room that resembled a pyramid, surrounded by candles. On top was a beautiful gold object that looked like a giant Christmas ornament. Curious, I asked, “What is that?”

How could I have known? At the time, I only attended Mass once a month for our All-School Mass at Dowling, and I had never been to Adoration. My friends gently explained that what I was seeing was the Body of Christ exposed in a monstrance-Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament, there for all to adore.

At that moment, I realized how little I truly knew about my faith. My life had been so focused on my dream of a baseball career that I hadn’t made room for our Lord. I felt awkward at the retreat, but then a nun on the retreat team asked me to do the readings for Mass. I didn’t know how to say no, so there I was, standing in front of everyone, reading scripture.

Throughout the retreat, Jesus in the monstrance was at the center of everything-powerful talks, incredible music, and profound moments of prayer all pointed to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. What I learned and experienced during those days changed my life forever.

For the first time, I began to build a real relationship with our living God. My focus shifted from baseball to Jesus. I willingly let go of my dream of playing professional baseball and instead chose to attend Benedictine College, a small Catholic college in Kansas.

As my relationship with Jesus deepened, I felt the call to pursue my vocation as a priest. Looking back, I know I made the right decision. I continue to feel God’s hand guiding me every step of the way.

Learn more and register by visiting dmdiocese.org/youth2000