What is faith?
by Diocese of Des Moines | August 21, 2019
What is faith?
We are people of faith. We are every day, normal people, who realize where happiness can be found.
The Letter to Hebrews defines faith: Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.
We have found hope and joy in that which we cannot see. Faith is taking a step into the unknown and trusting in God. Faith demands a way of thinking that is completely opposite the expectations of people of the rationalism age.
Faith says that we cannot find the answers ourselves. We have to trust in God.
Faith is present when we listen to that voice within us that is our consciences. We follow this voice, trusting that as God found a way for Abraham to be the Father of many nations, he will find a way for us to confront and conquer the challenges of life.
We do that which is moral and we trust in God.
Somos un pueblo de fe.
Somos gente que vive su vida diaria de una forma normal en este mundo que carece de confianza en Dios.
Somos un pueblo que sabe que a traves de la fe podremos encontrar la felicidad enterna.
La carta a los hebreos define el verdadero concepto de la fe. La fe es la forma de poseer, ya desde ahora, lo que se espera y de conocer las realidades que no se ven. En este fe encontramos esperanza y gozo el cual no somos capaces de ver.
La fe demanda una nueva forma de pensar completamente opuesta a la del mundo actual.
La repuesta de la verdadera fe no se puede encontrar en nosotros, sino Domingo pidamosle al senior que nos aumente la fe.