Questions on Mass readings, reading the Bible
by Father John Ludwig | November 14, 2024
Q. In a previous column, you noted that the scripture readings for Sunday Mass are chosen in a certain way. Could you remind me how they are selected?
A. Each year, beginning with the First Sunday of Advent, we begin a new liturgical year. The readings are chosen from the first three Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The Church uses a three-year cycle, which is repeated every three years. So, we will begin the Gospel of Luke on Dec. 1 (year C). Next year at this time, we’ll begin the Gospel of Matthew (year A). And the following year, we’ll begin the Gospel of Mark (year B). Ah, you say, the three Gospels – what about the Gospel of John? Well John’s Gospel is sprinkled through the three-year cycle, especially during the year when Mark’s Gospel is featured. Mark’s is the shortest Gospel, and so John’s Gospel is used more prominently during that year. The first reading, often from the Old Testament, is chosen to match the theme of the gospel for a given Sunday. The second reading is usually a consecutive reading of one of the epistles over several Sundays.
Q. Is there an easy way to read the Bible?
A. It’s a big book, isn’t it? There are many ways to get acquainted with the scriptures. If your parish has a scripture study group, consider signing up. Another way is to read the readings of the Sundays of the Church year. “At Home With the Word” is available in many parishes. That publication offers the readings for each Sunday of the Church year. Those readings are also available at the website for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Still another way is to choose one of the gospels. This coming year, a good choice would be the Gospel of Luke, since most of the Sunday gospels this year will come from St. Luke. Don’t try to read the Bible from cover to cover – that would be like trying to read all the books in the library. Take small steps see what God may be showing you.