Hope and hygiene in Limpopo

by Anne Marie Cox | January 23, 2025

3 students waving through the window at Subiaco Primary

Our hearts are full.

Today, we traveled to the northeast part of the South African province of Limpopo and met young girls at St. Bede high school - their crisp uniforms, their shy smiles, and their faces full of hope. It’s hard to believe many of them might miss a whole week of school every month - not because of illness or bad weather - but because their bodies go through a monthly cycle for which they don’t have money for supplies. Imagine half of the student population out of school one week every month. The struggle to get them caught up academically month after month is real and the girls fall behind.

Blessman International took our St. Francis team of missionaries to the school to educate the girls and distribute reusable feminine hygiene bags that will help the girls address their monthly cycle in an unembarrassing way so they can stay in school, keep up with their studies, and go on to find success. It was almost magical seeing team member Cindy Pierce, who had worked on sewing kits like these for 10 years before finally coming to meet the young recipients. As the girls looked up at this American woman about to hand out gift bags with the hygiene supplies, Cindy was beaming with love. These girls represented so many she’s never met, yet helped. As God knows us by name, it was a blessing for her to see the faces of the girls in need and show them that she loves them through her years of dedication to this ministry.

Young girls with their hygiene kits at St. Bede High School

Down the path at Subiaco Primary School, the mission team split up into pairs, sitting in a classroom, each by a tub of water. Second and third graders wiggled, danced, and tried their hardest to stand in single file outside in the shade. They had an energy of someone about to burst with joy. One by one, the children slowly entered the room with us Americans, taking a seat by each pair. We tried some small talk by asking their name and grade. Many of the young children speak a native language in their villages (they learn English around fourth grade), and didn’t understand what we were saying. I told those who came to me and Maxwell, a Blessman International staff member, that just as Jesus washed the feet of his friends, I would like to wash their feet and be friends. I’m not sure how much they understood. I think they knew we had come from far away to meet them and help them. Perhaps that was the most important message. 

St. Francis volunteers washing a child's feet at Subiaco Primary School

We washed their feet, dried their feet, and put on new socks and shoes. 

After we finished the shoe ministry and stepped out into the courtyard, we were surrounded by children asking for us to take their picture, opening their arms for a hug, and greeting us with unconditional love. 

You know what it feels like when you’ve experienced something so great, so profound you wish everyone could have that opportunity? I thought of my friends and family I wished were by my side. Everyone should experience unabashed love like we did today. 

The morning wrapped up with a lunch provided by Benedictine monks at a nearby monastery and Mass. Many thanks to Abbot Philip Lawrence OSB and the men at the monastery for their gracious hosting of us!

Anne Marie Cox

Anne Marie Cox is the Director of Communications for the Diocese of Des Moines.