Marriage & Family Life: The World Needs Hope Most of All
December 18, 2017
Recently, I was talking with a friend who shared a keen insight that I’ve been reflecting on since.
He said the world needs hope today more than anything else.
When I thought about it, his comment rang true. It does seem to me that as a culture we often struggle to find meaning and purpose, and this can lead us quickly into despair.
I’ve witnessed this in individual situations, in communities, and in families.
But as Catholics, we should be people bursting with hope! No matter our circumstances, we can always have hope, which is rooted in the fact that Jesus Christ has come to us, sharing in our life and conquering death, so that we might share in his life!
And in a special way, no matter the situation, families can have hope, “placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1817).
Families should be places of hope because Christ has promised to come and dwell with us in our families (Matt 18:20). Christ has elevated marriage to a sacrament, and throughout the rite of marriage we hear Christ promising to perfect our love, to bond a couple together, and to sustain them throughout their marriages.
This is why we call the home the domestic Church, and it’s why we can always have hope.
I always try to emphasize to engaged couples that the most important promises on the day of their wedding will be the promises God makes to them and that’s not only true on the wedding day.
So this month, I’d invite you to reflect again on the promises God has made to us, on his saving grace which has conquered death, and on his presence in our homes.
Then I challenge you to share our radical hope with others!
Adam Storey is the diocesan director of the Marriage and Family Life department. He can be reached at 515-237-5056 or