Discover the Difference: Meet Catholic School Alumnus Alberto Marquez

by Diocese of Des Moines | September 1, 2021

Alberto Marquez

Diocese of Des Moines Catholic schools develop character through an education rooted in faith and service. We encourage students to respect the diversity, dignity and beliefs of all in pursuit of knowledge and truth through critical thinking and constructive debate. This helps our students form strong principles, a moral center, and a desire to promote the common good. Moreover, our students demonstrate strong civic engagement that is fostered through service-learning. Every year, our students perform more than 120,000 hours of volunteerism in the community. 

Meet Alberto Marquez, a Diocese of Des Moines Catholic schools alumnus who exemplifies civic engagement and servant leadership. Marquez graduated from both Holy Family Catholic School in 2008 and Dowling Catholic High School in 2012. He later attended Des Moines Area Community College and graduated from the Des Moines Police Department's 76th Police Academy in 2018.

Today, Marquez serves the community as a police officer with the Des Moines Police Department. He has also served the United States as a member of the Iowa Army National Guard for the last ten years. Marquez credits his Catholic education with helping him establish a Christian foundation at a young age. Additionally, his strong sense of patriotism and service has directed his career choices over the years.

"I love my community and I am glad that I was able to find a career where I am able to continue the same passion for service, similar to the military," shared Marquez. "Being a police officer is one of the most rewarding careers. You will be interacting with people who are, or may be, in their worst moments. You will have an opportunity to change that and help them." 

Marquez has many positive memories about his time at Holy Family and Dowling Catholic. Perhaps the greatest lesson he took away from his academic journey can be found in the divine teachings of Jesus Christ from Matthew 25:31-46 that says,

"When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you? And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’"

When he's not helping others throughout the Des Moines community, Marquez cherishes quality time with his wife and five-month-old baby girl. He also enjoys watching Cubs baseball. 

The Diocese of Des Moines Catholic schools includes 16 schools in 23 counties in central and southwest Iowa. Catholic schools in the Des Moines Diocese build Christ-centered, collaborative, inclusive partnerships with parents, students, and parishes to provide innovative academic excellence and inspirational faith formation. To learn more about how our schools develop servant leaders through community engagement, visit or email

Diocese of Des Moines

The Diocese of Des Moines, created in 1911, serves people over a 12,446 square mile area in the southwestern quadrant of Iowa, including 23 counties.