Carrying the Stations of the Cross up a mountain
by Anne Marie Cox | January 21, 2025
The St. Francis missionary team with Blessman International installed 14 big, heavy crosses along a path leading up a mountain side. Upgrading the Stations of the Cross wasn’t easy, but well worth the effort.
We went to Mater Dei retreat center, near Mokopane, South Africa, which was just a small restaurant in the bush, as they say here, when Father Sunny John arrived 17 years ago. Now, the retreat center has a small chapel, an adoration chapel, small rental units for individuals or families coming for a retreat, a summertime event that draws up to 3,000 people, a successful youth program, Bible studies, and hopes of building a church on the property.
Mater Dei had an outdoor walking path for Stations of the Cross, but the weather over time damaged the stations. Each station area had been cleared and a small platform set in concrete. One by one, we lifted a cross made of railroad ties and put it on that steel base, drilled through the steel at the base of the cross, and installed bolts to hold the cross in place. God is good in that he sent us a semi-retired farmer and a retired construction company owner on this mission trip. They knew what to do!
After each station was erected, we took turns praying at the foot of the cross. Slowly, we began to see more deeply how Jesus suffered for us. It took three of us to lift a cross. Imagine the weight of the cross Jesus carried through the streets of Jerusalem.
As we worked our way up the hill, we grew more weary and felt the sun beating down in between areas of shade. (It was in the mid-80s here today). It’s probably my imagination, but each cross seemed a little heavier to lift as we went along.
We talked about taking a break. We needed a break. But we kept going. Three hours later, we were at the apex of the climb. Despite water bottles nearly emptied, sweaty shirts clinging to us and tired feet, there was an awe among us as we took in the beauty of this little corner of the woods, complete with a little babbling brook.
We installed the last cross, and marveled at the small altar set up in the woods for Mass, often celebrated with women’s groups and youth groups.
For years to come, people will walk that path contemplating Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice and the crosses they carry in life. Our work today was a gift to the people of South Africa, a quiet way for us to share the message of God’s love.