Building Bridges in a Divided Nation
by Diocese of Des Moines | November 1, 2024
On October 5th, a dozen Iowa faith leaders hosted an historic gathering called “Building Bridges and Organized Communities” at St. Patrick’s Catholic School in Perry, Iowa. Organized by AMOS (A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy), 120 people, from 44 Iowa communities and 15 Christian denominations from all four corners of Iowa, spent six hours on a Saturday in Perry building relationships in order to create action. We were Catholic, Mainline Protestant, and Evangelical; suburban, rural, and urban; conservative, liberal, and moderate; Black, White, Asian, and Latino. Yet, in spite of our differences, we were all Iowans who shared a belief that we could be better in relationship together.
In conversations over the course of our day together, we shared stories of belonging in our towns and cities, listened to one another’s dreams and struggles, and built relationships across historic lines that divide. As we shared our personal stories, we were not surprised to learn that we shared much in common. We heard Iowans struggling to access mental health services and worried over school shootings. We shared our anxieties over the loss of employment and daily economic precariousness. We envisioned shared action to address these issues about which we all care.
We recognized that we are all striving for a common good of participation in a diverse society where everyone flourishes in a manner that transcends any particular differences among us; given our shared humanity and dignity, we have ample reasons to be in intentional relationship with one another.
Dubuque Archbishop Thomas Zinkula makes a point on a panel of faith leaders at a recent gathering of AMOS.
This is the kind of work AMOS has been doing for almost 30 years, and this is at the heart of what it means for us to be “church”—an organized community of Christ-followers, gathering together around the Word, at the thanksgiving feast at which Jesus offers himself to us, and in mutual support for one another. As Christians, our faith teaches us to be attentive to the other and to love all as neighbors, just as the Good Samaritan demonstrated.
Our families, communities, and churches are struggling, and the state of our divisive politics is incapable of bringing real solutions to help all Iowa families and communities thrive. That is why we need strong congregations and institutions that are willing to cross lines, meet in the middle, love our neighbors, advocate for families, strengthen communities, and work for the common good in our society. Division does not have to prevail among us. The historic AMOS gathering in Perry on October 5, 2024, was the beginning of what we might accomplish together. As statewide faith leaders, we are committed to accompanying our people and leading the way in building bridges among us.
Bishop Amy Current, Southeastern Iowa Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
The Rt. Rev. Betsey Monnot. Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Iowa
Bishop William Joensen, Roman Catholic Diocese of Des Moines
Rev. Joshua Patty, Regional Minister & President, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Upper Midwest
Archbishop Thomas Zinkula, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dubuque